Monday, 29 April 2013

Editing process #2

In order to create a basic layer of diagetic sound for our film opening, we used the Garageband software on Bruno's Macbook.

Bruno learnt from a video on Youtube some editing tricks and techniques in order to edit appropiately. The one above is called the ken burns effect, it artificially pans and zooms within the frame.

Another editing technique is the 'clip trimmer', it either trims or lengthens the base soundlayer for the whole film and makes it easier to line it up to the video clip.

One other straight forward editing technique is cropping, which is used to remove unused and pointless space around the borders of the shots. This is an easy and useful technique that we used as it helps focus the audience on the character within the scene.

Another technique Bruno learnt to use is the inspector tool. This was used to finely edit a lot of the shots and sequences. This was used in our running scene, as we felt it was at a slightly slow pace, so we used the clip speed editor to adjust the frames per minute.

Here we decided to play with the exposure, contrast and saturation as we thought this scene where Veronica is in the abandoned factory was too dark and she was verging on not being visible. By playing with these edits it enabled for her outline to show up more.

Again Bruno used the ken burns effect to zoom and pan on the 'Welcome to hell...' this enabled us to draw the audiences attention to the writing.

Bruno used the youtube to mp3 downloader to download a track of guns shooting. We then selected a track we thought was most fitting with the gun we used in our title sequence. After cutting down the track to the one we wanted in Garageband, we had to export it to iTunes before it could be used on iMovie.

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